Full Cast Gold Restoration It is Reliable, Bio-Compatible and Affordable...!

Nothing fits and functions like full cast gold restoration. We can produce the quality restoration you prefer and demand, even though all ceramics have grow in popularity gold restorations are the number one choice for many Dentist.

Full Cast Gold Restoration

There are circunstances where only gold can address certain structural demands.

At San Diego Cosmetic Dental Lab all our work is done with strict protocol that guarantees you proper fit and good occlusal contacts while we focus on artistic techniques and anatomical characteristics that make them true work of art in our dental lab. You have a wide range of alloy choices, and we work along with you to offer the ideal blend between cost, strength and esthetic

Look the quality of our Full Cast Gold:

Gold Benefits


As you know even the heaviest bitting and chewing forces full gold crowns are unbreakable, considering the large variety of dental restorations gold crowns have the greatest potential for a long lasting term remember that gold alloy have about the same wear of the tooth enamel that means that a gold restoration will not create an excessive wear of the opposing teeth.


Argen is the largest dental gold producer in the United States and the largest in the world. In servicing the dental industry over the past 50 years.


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